Healthy Options & Choices

Fresh home-cooked food

Part of our fully-inclusive service!

A balanced diet is crucial to a child’s physical and mental development so we aim to provide food and drink that is nutritious, interesting and reflects children’s individual needs.

All meals we provide are freshly prepared (where appropriate) using carefully selected supplies and ingredients. As part of our outstanding levels of provision, both Andrew and I have Foundation Certificates in Food Hygiene.

Drinks are freely available throughout the day and usually consist of fresh water or milk. Snacks and meal times are tailored to suit individuals and session times. The children are encouraged to try out different foods, but this will not be at the expense of a child going hungry, and familiar foods will always be available!

Children with differing dietary requirements (medical diets, vegetarian, religious requirements or specific allergies) are also catered for wherever possible. We will always inform you of your child’s daily menu so that you can compliment your child’s diet with food served at home.

A few sample menu options we provide for children in our care are as follows:

Breakfast: Assorted cereals; Hot Oats; Boiled Eggs; Beans or Scrambled Egg on Toast; Yoghurt; Fruit.

Lunch: Homemade Soup & Bread; Fresh Sandwiches (assorted fillings); Baked Potato; Fruit; Yoghurts; Raisins; Fresh Carrot Batons.

Dinner: Shepherd’s Pie; Spaghetti Bolognese; Pasta; Sausages; Fish Cakes; Potato Wedges; Mashed Potato; Peas & Sweet-corn; Baked Rice-Pudding